Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bill Hicks - Journal Entry

The other day, I wrote a part of journal entry about a Bill Hicks performance. It was his infamous Heckler video where he completely loses it on an audience member. I thought it would be fun to write about for my creative non-fiction class.

Here it is:

I watched my favourite comedian Bill Hicks all day today. He’s one of my best friends at the moment, just for his brutal honesty about everything. He tells the real truth about politics and the puppetry, and attacks the American dream and the phony war on drugs. He is my hero, the dark poet. He is frequently booed and heckled on stage because, ironically, he always ends up playing in front of the wrong audience in the States. He’s booked in the backwoods like Baton Rouge Louisiana, the places where the folks living there don’t understand his material. I watched a video today from Bill Hicks in a small club in Georgia. One drunk woman yells “you suck” at him. He ends up calling her a drunk bitch and a cunt and ends up going on a very long rant. Yet, afterwards he says with much self awareness “Gee Bill, you’re digging yourself into quite a hole here. You’ve been running around yelling: I’m a drunk cunt, I’m a drunk cunt. That’s original material Bill, never seen a comedian ever do that! Is there a punch line here Bill?” IT’S HILARIOUS. How he can sit down and make fun of himself that way.

Later another heckler interrupts him yelling “Freebird!” as a request. Bill then chastises him on how he’s getting nowhere in interrupting him and acting like a drunken idiot. Bill yells “This is where we are again! You interrupting me you fucking idiot! This is where you: the fucking peon masses, can once again ruin anyone who tries to do anything, because you don’t know how to do it on your own! That’s where we’re at! Once again the useless waste of fucking flesh that has ruined everything good in this goddamned world!” Bill is getting furious. He then screams at the top of his lungs while rolling on the ground that Hitler had the right idea, but he was an underachiever. “KILL ‘EM ALL ADOLF! BLACK, JEW, AMERICAN, WHITE! THE EXPERIMENT DIDN’T WORK!” Watching Bill express his frustrations with such eloquence is great catharsis for today. For I think like Bill sometimes, and it’s great to watch someone else say the things you are too inhibited to say.


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