Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spray paint bicycle / Dadaist anti-art machine

My bicycle

This is my bicycle that I use to get around. It's an old Norco road bike with a quick release front wheel and an aftermarket cargo attachment rack over the rear tire. I rigged up some bungee cords to hold on an old milk crate for cargo purposes. I also spray painted it tremclad fire red last week.

It was originally painted and ugly red and yellow sunburst colour, so I decided to repaint it. I was inspired by a set of pictures on flickr, called monochrome bikes of Amsterdam. They were all local spray painted bikes in the city used as free transportation. They remind me of a mix of Bohemian transport vehicle and Dadaist artwork. When I park mine, it will resemble rolling public art. It also acts as a theft deterrent because the average thief won't steal such a unique bike.

I wholeheartedly prefer the older road bike styling compared to the modern mountain bike. For one, they're faster, easier to peddle, and light enough to carry up a flight of stairs. They can also ride on other surfaces besides pavement (just watch for obstructions!). They are the superior commuter.


1 comment:

  1. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commentators here! space paintings
